Issue 2.3
Fall 2022

Miriam Borgstrom
palmed gravel
a landscape where the lambs do not sleep
and do not want to sleep / where lambs do
not necessarily exist and do not necessarily
want to exist / a landscape contained by
the many and their fished / fished with
prayer / fished with unnecessary youth /
fished inside the water inside / fished for
found and not found at all / fished her hands,
her not cold today, her not cold tomorrow,
her face unfocused / her face the face which
contaminated the landscape / where the lambs
do not sleep and do now want to sleep
Miriam Borgstrom's most recent work can be found at Monday Night and Dream Pop Press. She resides in Southern Nevada. Find her online at
Miriam's Book Recommendations
Wild Milk by Sabrina Orah Mark
Take Care Fake Bear Torque Cake by Heidi Lynn Staples
No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July
Maximum Gaga by Lara Glenum
Fish in Exile by Vi Khi Nao
I'd like readers to orate these poems, with lungs like spheres, eyes partially closed, and a small portion of bottled hate in their pocket. I was probably reading The Hatred of Poetry by Ben Lerner during the time I wrote this, but not simultaneously.