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Submissions are OPEN.
They will clos on 
Mar. 15, 2025.


If you have already submitted work in 2024, please wait until 2025 to submit again, unless you have received an explicit invitation to submit again for a future issue.


If you haven't read the most current issue, please take a moment to do that and then come back to this page.


Let's assume every poem is an experiment with language. In Concision Poetry Journal, we take that idea a step further. If every word created a new world, if the poem taught the reader a way to breathe outside of the conventional ways they've been taught, then the poem would be an instructional manual for this new paradigm. Think of this like experiment squared.


What is a poem you’ve written (and not yet published) that you believe in and that is pushing your edge of comfort in the language? What poem shows me how flexible and sharp language can be? I am less interested in form and narrative than I am in "the line," but good, fun play on the page (screen?) is always appreciated.


Will you email me that poem (and a reflection…no more than about 250 words) on how you’d like readers to read it?


You can send up to five unpublished poems (but not if you've shared them on the web in someway including social media). Be prepared, also, to talk about a book or three you were reading while creating this study.


Make sure all poems are in the same document.


Put your 50-ish word bio, a reflection and between 1 and 5 poetry book recommendations in a body of your email.


If your poem is chosen for an upcoming issue, only 5 poetry books  recommendations (or fewer) will appear. If you include more than 5 book recommendations, only the first five you list will be included. The purpose of these book recommendations is twofold: 1) to share the poetics that are inspiring you and 2) to introduce Concision readers to poets and collections they might not have heard about yet.





What is an image that helps us think about reality? Send me high-res image for consideration.


Put your 50-ish word bio and title of the image in your email.


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